En blogg om och av mig :)

Dave got punched and contact lenses

Publicerad 2013-04-05 14:46:34 i Allmänt,

After having gone out to Exodus last night with Dave, Val and Rosie getting up for a 10 O'clock appointment was not that fun. We did not get back until 2.30 this morning. The night was interesting, the club was rather empty and the night ended a bit more dramatic than we had anticipated. Dave got punched in the face, unprovoked. We  were rather chocked. He was shaking for a while, then we went to McDonalds and took a taxi home. As far as I know no one in our group have ever been punched on a night out before. And then it happens when I am actually there. So last night will be known as the night when Dave got punched. 
So the appointment was at Boots. It went quite quick. It was a contact lense tryout appointment, it meant that I was shown and got to try to put contacts in and take them out a couple of times. Then I got two different types of lenses that I am going to try out for the next ten days and then I have another appointment to decide which one suits me better, or if I need to try something else. And even these trial lenses are all for free :=) I don't know if this is the way it works back home but I am not complaining this far anyway.


Postat av: NewJerseyTjejen

Publicerad 2013-04-09 03:37:09

Vad tycker du om att ha linser?
Tyckte du det var svårt i början?
Har för mig att det tog typ 1,5 timme för mig att sätta in, ta ut o sätta in :p

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