En blogg om och av mig :)


Publicerad 2013-02-16 20:51:24 i Allmänt,

Last night I was woken up first at 3 by a bloody fire alarm, so annoying. Went back to sleep but woke up again after 30 min by someone banging on the door. Opened the door to check if there was anyone there but there wasn't apart from Tom who had also been woken up by the banging and he was pretty pissed off at Cameron who apparently was the one who had bee banging on the door. Went back to sleep and then got woken up again by Cameron and someone else in the kitchen making loads of noise. Turns out that I was the lucky one anyway in the end. Cameron had been blasting music at 4 in the morgning so Valerie was quite angry with him as she had an interview this morning. I can symphatise with her, I would most likely be equally pissed if someone did that to me and I had a job interview the next morning. 
Anyway managed to finally get back to sleep and actually sleep until 9 when me and Valerie had decided to have breakfast. Then went back and skyped with dad and bullshitted a biology report. Then went on a walk, the tide was really low today. Went past Lidl and bought a film, the Time Travellers wife with Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams. So I might watch that one tonight. Then went to the library to meet up with Martha and Gabi to study. We did some studying but as always it is much more fun to discuss other deep topics such as abortions and the archaeology of the Middle Earth. I guess I did get some work done anyway. 
Then dinner, quick detour to Tesco to top up my phone, ended not topping it up. Tom got some Creme Eggs that me and Valerie then bought from him. Then back from the library which is where I am right now. Gonna stay here see if I can get some more work done and then I might go back and watch the movie, unless Tom and Klaudia decides to go to the Bobbin for a drink, I decided not to go to the A3 party which is on tonight. But I could do the Bobbin but I hope Kalle comes along as well then as its a bit weird to be alone with the lovely couple. 


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