En blogg om och av mig :)

Valentine's Day

Publicerad 2013-02-14 19:57:33 i Allmänt,

That must be the most used title of all today on blogs and facebooks across the wolrd me thinks. Valentine’s day today if anyone could have missed that, don’t think so with all the hearts and fluffy stuff around. In school we used to be able to buy roses for people that the  student council then gave out. This usually ended in disaster as the flowers wilted before they even got to  the recipients. At least there is no such thing here though, people are a bit more mature.

Sometimes for Valentine’s Day me and my sister would get chocolate or something from our parents, but now I’m a bit far away for that but I got Ahlgren’s bilar yesterday so at least I got something. 

How did you guys celebrate Valentine’s day? For me it was lectures and German results. Probably going out Sunday, having a late Valentine’s “celebration”.  Tonight its time for the Tunnels and center Stage and Creative writing. 


Postat av: svealinnea

Publicerad 2013-02-14 20:03:28

Genom att börja dagen med choklad, kan de bli bättre? Gott var det iaf :)

Postat av: NewJerseyTjejen

Publicerad 2013-02-15 03:41:04

Jag fick choklad av min värdfamilj och bakade med en annan au pair cupcakes till våra värdfamiljen :)

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