En blogg om och av mig :)

Seals and Spring

Publicerad 2013-04-06 21:22:35 i Allmänt,

Back to normal. But emptier, weekend routine as normal, went on a walk and then did very little. Went to a flat viewing, we are so not getting that flat. It was quite dodgy the only good part about it was the price and that the location was ok. Anyway on the walk I stumblet across some seals. Finally! I've known that there are seals but I've never seen them. Unfortunetly my camera was not enough to get any good pictures but hey, I saw them anyway. After dinner I actually went on a run, there's been way too much sweets lately :p 
Seals :)


Postat av: svealinnea

Publicerad 2013-04-08 03:59:05

Coolt med riktigt sälar!! här har vi snygga fåglar som är jätteröda på bröstet. O andra djur också...

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