En blogg om och av mig :)


Publicerad 2013-02-06 20:00:04 i

Do you ever feel like you need to talk to someone that fully understands you, that you can confide in and trust that they wont spread the word around? Someone will listen and make inputs and advice but not judge. I’m not a person who finds it easy to trust, I have great friends but they are far away and time and distance has made it difficult to share things the way they used to be shared. I got into a discussion with a girl from Hong-Kong yesterday and she hasn’t seen her family since September and we discussed this issue of confidantes and family. She has a very close relationship with her family as that is part of the Chinese culture, I wouldn’t say I have that type of relationship with my family and definitely not with my sibling. I would say I have a good relationship with my family, but I’ve never felt like I could tell them everything, I probably could and I’m just being paranoid but there has always been that feeling of a boundary you are not supposed to cross. Things you want to share but at the same time not.

You don’t really want to vent to people that you have to meet and see everyday but on the other hand its not like you wan to go vent to some random stranger either because that is strange and they don’t know what your background or reasons might be. Which is perhaps the good aspect of talking to a stranger but at the same time it also makes it difficult.

It has become increasingly difficult to find someone to really talk to as the months progress. Don’t get me wrong I love my life here and my friends but the friendships are still too new for me to want to go into depth about things. And then there are the friends back home to whom the distance has made the things that goes on here and over there entirely separate and sometimes difficult to express. Its things that perhaps you should have said something about ages ago but then you didn’t and it just starts to accumulate, snowball effect and it is difficult to go back because you risk insulting them by telling them too late in a sense since you did keep it under wraps for a time.


Yes, this is a really weird random post I guess. But it’ll have to do :) 


Postat av: svealinnea

Publicerad 2013-02-06 22:47:16

Hela denna dagen har varit djup, konstig o jobbig. Jag säger bara, tack för att skype o VIBER finns så man kan få snabb kontakt nära o kära... O kom ihåg, vi finns aldrig längre bort än avståndet till din dator!!!

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