En blogg om och av mig :)

Night at Seaton Park aka Rape park

Publicerad 2013-02-10 02:21:19 i Allmänt,

I intended to study the whole night tonight. Klaudia kind of blew that plan to shits. I did two hours solid of Archaeology reading though, really serious although I can't remember anything of it now. Oh well. Anyway at 8 she texts me and asks what I'm doing and If I wanna go out to the Botanical garden for some drinks. The Botanical garden is an actual botanical garden not a pub or a club. So we went, I had a cider that's it I did not want to drink anymore or buy anymore. But since the Botanical garden is closed at night with a gate and its fences around it, you are technically not supposed to go there after closing hours. Since me and Valerie, were slightly hesitant to do tresspassing on Uni property we instead ended up in Seaton Park, the park which has got a bit of a frightening nickname, the Rapepark. and we've been told numerous times "Do not go to Seaton park at night" anyway that's what we did. Its pitch dark for starters, no lights what so ever. But there were 6 of us and we figured we could rely on the guys from our flat to protects us...
The place was empty though, a few people came walking through, the first time we hid in the bushes cause someone suggested it was the police or something. I don't know it was kind a fun I guess. After me and Valerie froze our toes off we went back to the flat and did some more drinking and socialising. So yeah that's how the study night ended. 


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