En blogg om och av mig :)

Rainy Day

Publicerad 2013-02-13 18:02:35 i Allmänt,

So went into town, got soaked. Its raining/snowing and the wind is seriously cold. Got the present, a gift card for the movies and some Lindor Chocolates.  I’m so bad with presents. I never know what to get people unless they give me a list of what they want. I think its because I’m kinda scared that they don’t like the present or that they already have the book/movie or whatevevr. Also bought myself a hoodie because I need one and found a cute one on sale. Only 8£ instead of 20£ so I’m rather pleased.

When I got back it also turned out that the package my parents sent on Sunday had arrived. So now I have another book for one of my essays and some Ahlgren’s bilar, Yay! 


Postat av: Pappa

Publicerad 2013-02-13 21:10:39

Hoppas bilarna smakar bra

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