En blogg om och av mig :)


Publicerad 2013-02-28 16:23:15 i Allmänt,

Resten av lägenheten partade friskt igår kväll men själv började jag känna mig lite hängig så hade inte riktigt lust att hantera fulla kompisar just då. Fick ju inget effektivt gjort igår så det kändes väl sådär. Kom på i sista minuten  
att jag hade kör så gick på den eller halva iallafall då rösten inte var hundra procent så jag gick efter halva och då var partyt i full gång. Gjorde min arkeologi men det var typ allt. La mig tidigt och gick upp tidigt. Dagen har inte heller varit särskilt produktiv skulle gått in till stan för att kolla en grej till syrran. Det har jag ju inte gjort  och inte heller har jag pluggat så det ska väl göras ikväll antar jag. 


Publicerad 2013-02-27 16:59:09 i Allmänt,

Vaknade upp till rikitigt härligt vårväder idag. Gick ner till frukosten, fruksoten blev lite dämpad då den andra Elin kom ner och berättade at thon bestämt sig för att åka hem till Sverige och inte stanna terminen ut. Sorgligt tycker vi men samtidigt är det ju bättre att göra det som känns rätt.

Efter frukosten bestämde jag mig för att gå ut. Passa på medans vädret är så härligt. Upptäckte en mysig stig längs med floden Don för några dagar sedan men hade då inte tillfälle att utforska den närmare. Men nu hade jag ju det, så jag gick som jag trodde att jag skulle gå för att komma på stigen fast ifrån andra hållet. Det gick nästan. Jag kom tll rätt plats men inte rätt stig. Men andra sidan av floden var lika fin den. Fick forbid botaniska trädgården, Snödroppar och klosterliljor  i full blom.

Efter promenixen så skulle jag plugga, det gick ju inget vidare ska väl erkännas. Det var så häriligt att bara ligga i sängen I solen och chatta med kompisar. Började planera en dagsutflykt under påsklovet till Dunottar Castle. Kanske skulle dit med familjen iochförsig men jag kan åka dit två gånger det gör inte så mycket. Får väl se hur det blir, men det skulle vara kul att se något mer än Aberdeen.

Sedan dags för STAR award workshop, varför anmälde jag mig till det här egentligen? 


Publicerad 2013-02-26 19:43:27 i Allmänt,

De flesta tisdagar har jag ett jättegap mellan historie seminariet och historie föreläsningen men idag hade jag för en gångs skulle en practical i Arkeologin vid denna tid. Så först en timme biologi och sedan historie presentation. Presentationen gick sådär, min partners del var så många gånger bättre men jag sa iallafall något. Dock visade det sig att det handout vi gjort och skulle ha delat ut till klassen som vi mejlat till våran tutor i söndas för att han skulle kunna skriva ut det. Trodde vi ja, det visade sig att jag råkat skicka det till fel e-mail så klassen blev utan hand out. Men våran tutor sa att det var okej och bara vi mejlade honom det så gjorde de ingenting. Så vi gjorde det, men det tog x-antal försök men till slut gick det. Safari slutade fungera flera gånger när jag försökte bifoga och jag vet inte varför. Frustrerande var det men till slut fick vi iväg det. 
Sedan efter lunchen var det så dags för arkeologi practicalen.Vi jobbade i par med att kolla på olika djurben, riktiga artefakter som vi då skulle komma fram till vad för ben det var och vilket djur det kom ifrån. Och ja det var riktiga ben, våra var ifrån York runt Vikingatiden. Men det var faktiskt en riktigt kul practical, bättre än 2 timmars föreläsning. Klockan åtta är det dags för munkar antagligen om jag orkar ta mig dit vill säga. 
Fick även ett brev och ett vykort idag, dock kom inte skivan jag beställt och som det stod skulle komma idag så jag hoppas den kommer imorgon. Håller tummarna!

Girl talk

Publicerad 2013-02-26 10:11:41 i Allmänt,

Went to bed far too late yesterday. Left the library at 9.30 dumped my stuff in my room and went out to take a couple of pictures, I literally just stepped outside. Then I met Katie who just came back from having dinner with her boyfriend and his parents for the first time. Then she invited me over to have short chat. The short chat turned out to last until 1 at which point we were both tired but it was so much fun that we still didn’t really want to stop but we realized that we had to get up in the morning. When I got back to my room I also needed a shower, I can only shower before I go to bed, I know a lot of people shower in the morning. But anyway so didn’t go to bed until 2 and I still woke up at 8! It’s bloody annoying to be honest, especially since I had set the alarm to 9. I’m not tired now but I’m going to crash sometime during the day, problem is I have a bone practical today and a lecture after that so we’ll see how it goes I guess.



Publicerad 2013-02-23 13:57:51 i Allmänt,

Här borta fortsätter allt som vanligt, alla deadlines kommer närmare. Har två uppsatser, skills audit och grupp presentation som är mest akut. Men som vanligt så slutar det oftast med att man stirrar into space och gör ingenting. Måste bli bättre på självdisciplin och att faktiskt göra det man ska. Alltså precis de jag inte gör just nu som sitter och skriver det här istället för mina uppsatser. Dumma Elin! Skärp dig!
Vädret här borta är lite vår-vintrigt, imorse snöade det när jag gick ut och sedan så sken solen så fint som värsta vår vädret. 

Marischal College and Job

Publicerad 2013-02-21 00:26:36 i Allmänt,

Wednesdays are normally free but today I had a practical in Marischal Museum in the Marischal College. The practical didn’t start until 13.30 and I was planning on working before then. Planning being the key word. I needed to buy some lunch but then it turned out that my headphones had died completely and since I can’t live without music I decided I needed to buy new ones. So instead of going to Lidl to buy lunch I ended up going into town. HMV had some special prices so got two headphones for 10£ and fine if you are a real sound nerd that are probably really bad quality but for the everyday person who just needs them to listen to music to feed her addiction they work perfectly fine.

So went past Morrisons instead and bought some bread for some lunches to come. It’s a cheap way of living. Then went back had lunch and basically waited to leave for the practical and got into a discussion with some flatmates. We are all kind of panicking that we have not found a flat yet. But we shall see how it goes.

The Pracitcal was a guided tour in the Marschial museum behind the scenes. So we got to see the archives, conservatories etc. It was pretty interesting to see the Museum store. They had a couple of 1000s of objects everything from mummies to moth eaten birds of paradise. Then we had a answer sheet which we had to fill out and which we have to hand into St:Mary’s. After the practical it was almost time for my working training. Okay not really, but I ended up finishing the worksheet and had that in so it was better than nothing I guess.

The working training took place in McRobert. The most boring building on campus. It basically looks like a hospital. The Campus here is very diverse, we’ve got buildings from 1495 and then we’ve got the more modern ones. Anyway, got my rota for the day and a leaflet telling us what we need to bring up for the Campus tours. They warned us that there probably is going to be changes and to keep a close eye on our email. The whole thing was concluded with a campus tour with one of the old student ambassadors. By then I had missed dinner but I had requested a late meal. Went by Crombie reception and asked for it, turns out they had forgotten it but the portier was nice and ran and got it for me. It was good I went past as apparently he had come to the hub in the last minute. The late meal was better than expected I guess, I thought I would get something from whatever they had had for dinner. But I got yoghurt, bread, crisps, fruit and a pasta, bulgur salad with chicken. I don’t like bulgur so for me it wasn’t that great but I’m still impressed that I got a decent meal anyway. Ended up not eating it, a friend offered me some pasta instead so we switched, or we were going to but he didn’t like the salad either so he got the other stuff and left the salad for his flatmates to eat if anyone wanted it. I kinda felt bad for eating his food since it turns out that he had not had dinner as he had gone training. But the guy is really stubborn and insisted that he did not want it. Not sure I believe him but what to do.

Applicant's Day

Publicerad 2013-02-20 00:10:33 i Allmänt,

För ett tag sedan så ansökte jag om att bli Studentambassador på universitets Öppet hus. Fick gå på en grupp intervju och sedan sa de typ att det var så mångs som ansökt att alla inte kunde få bli ambassadörer. Det har nu gått några veckor sedan detta skedde och hörde inget ifrån dem så antog att det inget blev. Men igår hörde de av sig igen, och jag fick "jobbet". Så imorgon ska jag på träning/information så jag missar middagen men har beställt sen middag så förhoppningsvis får jag något att äta iallafall, annars får jaf väl springa till Tesco. 
Det man ska göra är att hjälpa till som man gjorde på öppet hus i Gymnasiet skillnaden är att nu får man betalt för det. 7.20£ i timman tror jag att det var och med tanke på att Rosie som jobbar på bion får 5£ i timmen så är det ganska bra betalt. Synd att det bara är en dag :( men det är ju bättre än ingenting. 

Konstiga tankar snurrar omkring

Publicerad 2013-02-19 19:47:00 i Allmänt,

En av dessa konstiga tankar som slår en vid konstiga tillfällen är väl ändå denna. Om något skulle hända med mig vem skulle sakna mig då? Hur lång tid skulle det ta innan någon saknade mig? Har funderat lite på det här i Skottland. Familjen är ju hemma i Sverige och man skypar med föräldrarna normalt en gång i veckan men det behöver inte ens bli en gång i veckan. Har därför funderat på hur lång tid det skulle ta innan någon började fundera på om något hade hänt mig. Det skulle ju åtminstone ta en två veckor utan att prata med föräldrarna som de skulle misstänka att något var fel. Man skulle ju kunna bli kidnappad och mördad utan att de visste något eller ens anade något.

Visst man har ju flatmates men man har ju olika scheman och andra aktiviteter så ibland dröjer det ju ett tag innan man träffas regelbundet och sen kan ju en person frivilligt dra sig undan ibland. Och vem skulle de kontakta liksom, SRA, visst men det skulle ju ändå dröja ett bra tag innan det kom fram till hemmet att något hade hänt.

Det är ju inte som i skolan liksom när lärarna skulle märkt direkt att man var frånvarande en längre stund från lektionerna och då antagligen hade ringt hem. Här dröjer det ju åtminstone tre veckor innan de reagerar på frånvaron och då mejlar dem en och varnar för att man håller på att få C6 varning men om jag är inlåst i en källare eller ligger död i ett dike liksom så kan jag ju inte precis svara på ett mejl eller hur? Och det är ju inte så att familjen kan komma hit på två röda om det skulle hända något heller. 

Svenskt tangentbord!!!

Publicerad 2013-02-17 17:54:51 i Allmänt,

Tack vare pappa har jag lyckats få ett svenskt tangentbord igenom att byta inställningar. Det är lite knöligt eftersom bilderna på knapparna inte stämmer hundra procent med tecknet som sedan dyker upp på datorn men det är ändå många gånger bättre än att sitta och kopiera och klistra in ifrån ett word-dokument. Det svåraste är att punkter, kommatecken, bindestreck och likanande, alltså skiljetecknen flyttar på sig. Kommer antagligen att alternera mellan svenska och engelska hädanefter beroende på vad jag känner för. Men det känns bra att möjligheten finns liksom. 
Klockan 8 imorse knackade det på dörren, kan säga att jag blev lagom chockad av att någon var uppe så dags med tanke på att det var söndag. Utanför stod Valerie, nykter och behövde prata med någon. Kan inte skriva om vad, det skulle inte vara schysst mot henne och de andra inblandade. Efter det var det ingen ide att somna om så jag gick på en promenad istället. Vädret var inget vidare när jag gick men det sprack upp och dagen har varit som en varm vårdag. Har kännts precis som vår sådär som det känns när de första tussilagona kommer och alla andra fina vårblommor. Här har jag inte sett några vårblommor inte ens snödroppar på någons tomt. Antar att de finns i det här landet. Det är ju ganska likt Sverige. Annars har dagen tillbringats i bibblan till största delen med plugg. Har ganska fullt upp ett tag framöver nu och vill ta tag i arbetet men som alltid går det ju mindre bra. 
Har bestämt med Valerie, Dave, Elin och Patrick att gå till the Bobbin för billig kvällsmat. Men vi får väl se, kanske går till filmkvällen senare om de bestämmer sig för någon bra film vill säga. 


Publicerad 2013-02-16 20:51:24 i Allmänt,

Last night I was woken up first at 3 by a bloody fire alarm, so annoying. Went back to sleep but woke up again after 30 min by someone banging on the door. Opened the door to check if there was anyone there but there wasn't apart from Tom who had also been woken up by the banging and he was pretty pissed off at Cameron who apparently was the one who had bee banging on the door. Went back to sleep and then got woken up again by Cameron and someone else in the kitchen making loads of noise. Turns out that I was the lucky one anyway in the end. Cameron had been blasting music at 4 in the morgning so Valerie was quite angry with him as she had an interview this morning. I can symphatise with her, I would most likely be equally pissed if someone did that to me and I had a job interview the next morning. 
Anyway managed to finally get back to sleep and actually sleep until 9 when me and Valerie had decided to have breakfast. Then went back and skyped with dad and bullshitted a biology report. Then went on a walk, the tide was really low today. Went past Lidl and bought a film, the Time Travellers wife with Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams. So I might watch that one tonight. Then went to the library to meet up with Martha and Gabi to study. We did some studying but as always it is much more fun to discuss other deep topics such as abortions and the archaeology of the Middle Earth. I guess I did get some work done anyway. 
Then dinner, quick detour to Tesco to top up my phone, ended not topping it up. Tom got some Creme Eggs that me and Valerie then bought from him. Then back from the library which is where I am right now. Gonna stay here see if I can get some more work done and then I might go back and watch the movie, unless Tom and Klaudia decides to go to the Bobbin for a drink, I decided not to go to the A3 party which is on tonight. But I could do the Bobbin but I hope Kalle comes along as well then as its a bit weird to be alone with the lovely couple. 

The Tunnels

Publicerad 2013-02-15 17:24:39 i Allmänt,

Went to the tunnels last night, it is literally undergorund in a tunnel. Me, Sam and Kalle thought it looked a bit dodgy to be hones, kind of expected there to be a bunch of poor homeless people down there but there wasn't. It was a bit weird to be honesy, but the night was kind of fun I guesss. It was not what I had expected but then I don't really know what I expected. There were center stage people, creative writing, a juggler and the improv society there. People read poems they had written, did some short theater pieces, monolouges and so on. We came slightly late but Dave wasn't on until at the very end so it was fine. The theme of the night was Newbies vs. Oldies basically a battle between the old ones and the new ones in the societies. There were more newbies there which could explain why the newbies won so easily. 
The juggling guy was awsome, he juggled in the dark with lit up balls and the effect was really cool. He did some king of juggling with to balls attached to a string and that looked so pretty in the dark. Should have taped it. ah well. Came back at like 11 and fell dead asleep almost imideatly. 

Valentine's Day

Publicerad 2013-02-14 19:57:33 i Allmänt,

That must be the most used title of all today on blogs and facebooks across the wolrd me thinks. Valentine’s day today if anyone could have missed that, don’t think so with all the hearts and fluffy stuff around. In school we used to be able to buy roses for people that the  student council then gave out. This usually ended in disaster as the flowers wilted before they even got to  the recipients. At least there is no such thing here though, people are a bit more mature.

Sometimes for Valentine’s Day me and my sister would get chocolate or something from our parents, but now I’m a bit far away for that but I got Ahlgren’s bilar yesterday so at least I got something. 

How did you guys celebrate Valentine’s day? For me it was lectures and German results. Probably going out Sunday, having a late Valentine’s “celebration”.  Tonight its time for the Tunnels and center Stage and Creative writing. 

Rainy Day

Publicerad 2013-02-13 18:02:35 i Allmänt,

So went into town, got soaked. Its raining/snowing and the wind is seriously cold. Got the present, a gift card for the movies and some Lindor Chocolates.  I’m so bad with presents. I never know what to get people unless they give me a list of what they want. I think its because I’m kinda scared that they don’t like the present or that they already have the book/movie or whatevevr. Also bought myself a hoodie because I need one and found a cute one on sale. Only 8£ instead of 20£ so I’m rather pleased.

When I got back it also turned out that the package my parents sent on Sunday had arrived. So now I have another book for one of my essays and some Ahlgren’s bilar, Yay! 

Exam results

Publicerad 2013-02-13 13:07:47 i Allmänt,

Archaeology came in today, sometimes Facebook is handy although its mostly just a form of procastination. So since 3 out fo 4 results have come in and everyone was nagging me about it I gave in and checked. The examiners who marked me must be completely nuts, how can you pass someone who handed in such shit exams! So yes I passed, I'm pretty sure I should be grateful to the continuous assessment part which is I'm sure what saved me. I tried to calculate what I got for my Vikings exam and I think I got a 6... 9 is pass and 20 is max and the overall mark I got was a 15 so I don't know. They should have told us how to interpret the results. 
Now I'm just waiting for German which we were done with before Christmas but none of the languages have posted the results yet. I must have passed German or I don't know what I'm gonna do. Probably freak so bad that all my friends here will stop talking to me. 
The weather is really shit but I need to go into town and buy a present, if I can be asked to do it. Ok better do it, the phne is nearly fully charged so I can listen to music if the headphones work that is.


Publicerad 2013-02-12 23:09:58 i Allmänt,

Så idag Fettisdag, Semel dag eller kalla det vad ni vill. Sjalv har jag inte fått några semlor då de här borta i Skottland inte har semlor. Istället firar de Pancake day. Syftet är den samma som semeldagen, man ska äta lyxig mat innan det är dags för fastan. Har aldrig fastat i hela mitt liv och känner ingen Kristen person som fastar heller. En del muslimska klasskompisar har ju följt Ramadan men de är nog de enda jag kan komma på som faktiskt fastat på riktigt så att säga.

Men det var ju munk kväll ikväll så jättemycket plugg har det inte blivit. Ytterligare ett brandlarm precis när vi kom tillbaka från Munkarna för andra gången eftersom Val skulle ta några extra, tror hon tog en 10 stycken allt som allt. De flesta andra tar ju en och så te/kaffe när de är där nere och är nöjda med det men inte Val.

Och det här var mer än jobbigt, har hittat å men inte de andra två. It’s a pain to write in Swedish with this keyboard so its probably not going to happen very often.  

Exam results

Publicerad 2013-02-12 14:36:00 i

Apparently the exam results for Vikings have come up and possibly also for 20th century History. I'm now in that state of do I want to know. Yes I do and No I definetly don't. I've been telling mysef to wait until all the exam results are in which they should be by Friday but will I be able not to look before then? Probably not, I will have a peak before then I believe. Oh Dear God or whoever is out there or up there why are you doing this to me! 


Publicerad 2013-02-10 21:57:46 i Allmänt,

Today has been full of studying...not really but definetely more than the other day's of last week and anything is better than nothing right? Could not be bothered to go out unless it was absolutely neccesary. It was freezing outside and a combination of snow and sleet and who knows what. So only left my room for brunch, quick trip to the library and that was about it. Although we did end up at the Bobbin for dinner. Only four of us though. But its half price on food on sundays. And if you go for the meal deals which is 2 for 1 it it gets even better. 2 burgers and chips for 3.72£ which is about 41 SEK which is a good deal for two full meals. So we ended up getting desserts as well since it was cheap. So yeah this is what's been going on today. 


Publicerad 2013-02-10 13:58:09 i Allmänt,

If a guy casually asks you if you want to go to a ball in May and then in the next breath says that another (girl) friend of his wants to go with him. How do you interpret that??? Do you go or not??

Night at Seaton Park aka Rape park

Publicerad 2013-02-10 02:21:19 i Allmänt,

I intended to study the whole night tonight. Klaudia kind of blew that plan to shits. I did two hours solid of Archaeology reading though, really serious although I can't remember anything of it now. Oh well. Anyway at 8 she texts me and asks what I'm doing and If I wanna go out to the Botanical garden for some drinks. The Botanical garden is an actual botanical garden not a pub or a club. So we went, I had a cider that's it I did not want to drink anymore or buy anymore. But since the Botanical garden is closed at night with a gate and its fences around it, you are technically not supposed to go there after closing hours. Since me and Valerie, were slightly hesitant to do tresspassing on Uni property we instead ended up in Seaton Park, the park which has got a bit of a frightening nickname, the Rapepark. and we've been told numerous times "Do not go to Seaton park at night" anyway that's what we did. Its pitch dark for starters, no lights what so ever. But there were 6 of us and we figured we could rely on the guys from our flat to protects us...
The place was empty though, a few people came walking through, the first time we hid in the bushes cause someone suggested it was the police or something. I don't know it was kind a fun I guess. After me and Valerie froze our toes off we went back to the flat and did some more drinking and socialising. So yeah that's how the study night ended. 

Boat race

Publicerad 2013-02-09 17:31:40 i Allmänt,

So I was going to be supportive today and go watch a friend who had a race on the river Don. That is a rowing race not running. Went down, got confused but eventually I found the right place, or at least there were a bunch of "boats" rowing on the river. You couldn't differentiate between the teams though so I have no idea if I actually saw the people I knew...oh well. Took a trip around town and didn't buy anything so that was good. Now just waiting for dinner and then I seriously should get some stuyding done. Come on Study....


Publicerad 2013-02-09 11:14:20 i Allmänt,

Ended early yesterday, 12:00. Went into town and bought a pair of skin coloured tights as well as a bracelet. The good thing is that all the stores have crazy sales right now so now is the time to shop I guess. Also bought more nail polish remover and two polishes. I am very slowly trying to rebuild my collection. Slowly here being the keyword. Skyped with some friends then went to a party at 8 in Spring Gardens. 
It was a flat party but for once people did not bring their own alcohol, apart from Dave. They served some red wine and some food and crisps. The wine was a spanish red wine cause the girl whose birthday it was comes from Spain. It was not the most disgusting red wine I've ever tried, it was kind of bland, didn't leave much impression to be honest. It wasn't overtly sweet nor was it dry. Yes I am not a wine expert nor gifted with words hence the description is also quite shallow and frankly not very descriptive at all. I could not even finish the wine so it was good that I had a more drink friendly flatmate there at the party who could finish it for me. 
Went back home at 24:00 when some of the others went into town. Then straight to bed as I was so tired and I ell asleep straight away which is a bit unusual for me but I obviously needed it even though I did wake up at 8 this morning which was a bit of a pain. 

Messed up day for some reason

Publicerad 2013-02-07 22:49:40 i Allmänt,

Today's been weird, it like there is nothing going wrong but at the same time everything is just so f-cked up. I don't know what is wrong really its just been one of those day. I've been so unproductive, its like I go to lectures and then just go back to my room and stare out in space absloutely blank. I really need to get myself together and start to actually study as I am already behind. Everything is just so...I don't even know what I'm going on about here. It not that I'm homesick because I have not felt homesick at all this term. 

Top-Up vs. Contract

Publicerad 2013-02-06 23:17:46 i Allmänt,

So I am currently on a top-up card (kontantkort heter det visst I Sverige) I used to have a contract which was pretty good to be honest. I’ve started to think whether to get a contract here or not. 


·      Don’t have to go top it up at the weirdest times

·      Can always use the phone

·      Get more texts and minutes for the same amount of money

·      Which means I can text more which is what I mainly use my phone for and don’t have to think of the really stupid texts that I’ve caught myself sending.

·      Could get a contract with internet included which would enable me to use the smartphone as a smartphone. At the moment I have a very stupid smartphone :/


·      I have to pay a set amount every month regardless of how much I end up using it.

·      I have to pay even during the months I’m back home and not using the phone.

·      I don’t know how to pay bills which could lead to some serious issues

·      I could get stuck with a contract for like 24 Months and who know what might have happened then.

So at this point I’m more leaning towards keeping the top-up card because even though I have to top it up I still only pay for what I actually use but on the other hand it is a bit of a pain not being able to use the phone like I’m used to. Please leave a comment I need help deciding...


Publicerad 2013-02-06 20:00:04 i

Do you ever feel like you need to talk to someone that fully understands you, that you can confide in and trust that they wont spread the word around? Someone will listen and make inputs and advice but not judge. I’m not a person who finds it easy to trust, I have great friends but they are far away and time and distance has made it difficult to share things the way they used to be shared. I got into a discussion with a girl from Hong-Kong yesterday and she hasn’t seen her family since September and we discussed this issue of confidantes and family. She has a very close relationship with her family as that is part of the Chinese culture, I wouldn’t say I have that type of relationship with my family and definitely not with my sibling. I would say I have a good relationship with my family, but I’ve never felt like I could tell them everything, I probably could and I’m just being paranoid but there has always been that feeling of a boundary you are not supposed to cross. Things you want to share but at the same time not.

You don’t really want to vent to people that you have to meet and see everyday but on the other hand its not like you wan to go vent to some random stranger either because that is strange and they don’t know what your background or reasons might be. Which is perhaps the good aspect of talking to a stranger but at the same time it also makes it difficult.

It has become increasingly difficult to find someone to really talk to as the months progress. Don’t get me wrong I love my life here and my friends but the friendships are still too new for me to want to go into depth about things. And then there are the friends back home to whom the distance has made the things that goes on here and over there entirely separate and sometimes difficult to express. Its things that perhaps you should have said something about ages ago but then you didn’t and it just starts to accumulate, snowball effect and it is difficult to go back because you risk insulting them by telling them too late in a sense since you did keep it under wraps for a time.


Yes, this is a really weird random post I guess. But it’ll have to do :) 

Sunday Morning

Publicerad 2013-02-03 12:16:46 i Allmänt,

Woke up early as usual, went down to the beach but unfortunately it was cloudy so I didn't get any nice sunrise pictures. But one day I will I swear. Either I wake up to late and then when I wake up in time the clouds are out and the sun is not visible. Time for brunch in a while one the others have woken up. 
No sunrise but these will just have to do instead. At least you can see the sun on some of them I guess. 

Sweden and Scotland

Publicerad 2013-02-02 21:36:26 i Allmänt,

The people

The people in Scotland are very friendly at least those here in Aberdeen. If you need help people seem to be willing to help. I don’t know whether people are more helpful here than back home since we swedes don’t tend to ask for help unless we absolutely have to and it is then mostly when we’re on vacation anyway.

The Uni

Based upon what a friend of me has said that now goes to uni in Sweden after having done IB as well, I would say that Uni in Sweden seems a lot easier. She says its much easier than the IB. But since I’ve never gone to Uni in Sweden I really have no idea. Other people has said that Uni is harder than upper secondary school so I guess its individual. The contact with staff works great here. One can always talk to lecturers or email them. Big difference though, here it is best to write dear Dr or Professor as some of them are pretty picky about their titles and you’d better not refer to a Professor as a doctor. I don’t know about the Uni back home. But in school we didn’t have to refer to teachers as Mr and Mrs or Miss which the students here had to do all the time throughout school.

The weather

The weather here is quite similar. It rains quite a bit but not as bad as expected perhaps. But it is slightly colder here or at least the cold feels different perhaps due to the close proximity to the sea. That’s just a theory since it is always windier close to the ocean.

 Party life

According to the more experienced partyiers the party life here is pretty good. I’m really not in a position to comment but at least I know that the drinks are cheaper here than back home so I guess that’s good. There are some preally nice bars and pubs, I don’t really like going to clubs since I’ve got two left feet and the music is too loud.

Living costs

Rents for apartments are pretty high but apparently Aberdeen is one of the most expensive cities in Scotland. This might be due to the oil I really don’t know. The costs for food seems to be perhaps slightly cheaper than in Sweden but I haven’t really checked as I’m catered this year so I don’t buy that much proper healthy food.

So yeah that is not really a comparison I guess, its more of a random rant. But that’ll have to do for now. 

Quick recap

Publicerad 2013-02-02 17:39:10 i Allmänt,

So came of early from uni on Friday. My Fridays are just as great as my Mondays are long and painful. Anyway, went to a birthday party. Marta had turned 21. So had a pretty good night. Didn't go with them to slains castle though. Woke up early this morning and actually went on a run, me a run. It was quite nice bit annoying having to stop at the traffic lights. Just spent 3 hours on Skype with my Excel guru. At least I got some graphs done and now I just need to finish off the report. So I'll do that after dinner, lovely way to spend Saturday evening right? 


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